
Configuration for Velocity comes from three places. Command line options, environment variables and the configuration file.

Commandline Options

These take the highest level of precedence and can be viewed by using the --help option in the command line.


Variables are the second highest level of configuration.


This variable points to the directories containing the the image definitions.


This variable specifies what computer system you are building for (e.g. frontier).


This variable specifies the container backend that should be used (e.g podman).


Available backends are apptainer, docker, openshift, podman and singularity.


This variable specifies the distro of the container images that will be built. This name is flexable and completely up to the user. It is used purely for organizational purposes.


This variable specifies a scratch space for Velocity to preform builds in.


This variable specifies where to look for the configuration file.

Configuration File

The configuration file is the lowest level of configuration. By default Velocity looks for config.yaml in ~/.velocity unless VELOCITY_CONFIG_DIR is set. A number of configuration option for velocity can be set.

  system: frontier
  backend: apptainer
  distro: ubuntu
  logging:level: INFO   # set the debug level
  image_path:   # a list of : seperated paths
  build_dir:    # path to a scratch space

Additionally you can set arguments and variables at a global level in the constraints section. As an example here we are adding --disable-cache as an argument for every image build we do with apptainer.

    - value: --disable-cache
      when: backend=apptainer


Arguments and variables can also be set from the command line when building by passing something like -A "value: --disable-cache; when: backend=apptainer" to the build command for as many arguments as needed.